They mocked my commons decks once… once. I endeavored to construct decks from Jyhad commons that would fare decently in actual play against a group of regular plays. This project started in 2005, and, since the official death of the game, the demand from my decks has, ironically, increased a great deal. This must be, no doubt, because the official starter decks are no longer in supply as the game is defunct.
At any rate, I recently played my Barbed Wire: Ventrue deck against a group of veteran JOL players- and I swept. The deck itself is little changed from the rough draft I posted to usenet seven years ago.
If you’d like to buy the deck, here’s the button to buy it with domestic shipping.
For international customers, here’s a button to buy the deck with international shipping.
To commemorate my victory, here’s the log:
Continue reading The Barbed Wire: Ventrue Deck Sweeps a Jyhad Online (JOL) Game